Automatic CPU Profiler

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This feature automatically captures CPU profiles, which can make it easier to investigate and troubleshoot spikes in CPU usage or erratic CPU load on certain nodes. A CPU profile shows the functions that use the most CPU time, sampled over a window of time. You can collect a CPU Profile manually on the Advanced Debug page. However, it may be difficult to manually capture a profile of a short CPU spike at the right point in time. Automatic CPU profile capture enables the investigation of CPU load in this and other cases, such as periodic high CPU.


You can configure automatic CPU profile capture with the following cluster settings:

Cluster Setting Description Default Value
server.cpu_profile.cpu_usage_combined_threshold The baseline threshold of CPU usage at which a CPU profile is taken from a node. This value is a percentage.
  • If a value of 0 is set, a profile is taken every time the server.cpu_profile.interval has passed or the provided usage is increasing.
  • If a value greater than 0 and less than or equal to 100 is set, the profiler is enabled (default)
  • If a value greater than 100 is set, the profiler is disabled.
server.cpu_profile.interval The period of time after which the high-water mark resets to the baseline value. 20m0s (20 minutes)
server.cpu_profile.duration The length of time a CPU profile is taken. 10s (10 seconds)
server.cpu_profile.total_dump_size_limit Maximum combined disk size for preserving CPU profiles. 128 MiB (128 Mebibytes)

High-water mark threshold

The Automatic CPU Profiler runs asynchronously in the background. After every second, the Automatic CPU Profiler checks if the CPU usage exceeds the high-water mark threshold. If so, it captures a CPU profile. If a profile capture is already in progress, a second profile is not taken.

The Automatic CPU Profiler uses the configuration options to determine the high-water mark threshold. For example, with duration set to 10s , interval set to 20m0s, and cpu_usage_combined_threshold set to 65:

  • At time0 the CPU usage polled is 70 percent. This exceeds the baseline threshold of 65, so a 10s profile is captured and the high-water mark threshold becomes 70.
  • After the 10s profile capture, the Automatic CPU Profiler continues to check every second if the CPU usage now exceeds 70 percent.
  • At time1 the CPU usage polled is 80 percent, another profile is taken for 10s, and the high-water mark threshold becomes 80.
  • At time2, the 20m0s interval after time0, the high-water mark threshold is reset to the baseline threshold of 65.
  • The Automatic CPU Profiler continues to poll every second, and captures a profile whenever CPU usage exceeds the high-water mark threshold.

Accessing CPU profiles

  • The Automatic CPU Profiler saves the captured CPU profiles to disk on each node's file system in the logging directory. The default path is cockroach-data/logs/pprof_dump.
  • The only way to get these CPU profiles is to access the node file system.
  • Enabling the Automatic CPU Profiler does not add CPU profiles to debug zips.


Enabling the automatic CPU profile capture on a cluster will add overhead to the cluster in the form of potential increases in latency and CPU usage.

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