cockroach statement-diag

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Use the cockroach statement-diag command to manage and download statement diagnostics bundles generated from the DB Console or EXPLAIN ANALYZE (DEBUG).

Required privileges

Only members of the admin role and users with the VIEWSYSTEMTABLE system privilege, which provides read-only access to system tables, can run cockroach statement-diag. By default, the root user belongs to the admin role.


Subcommand Usage
list List available statement diagnostics bundles and outstanding activation requests.
download Download a specified diagnostics bundle into a .zip file.
delete Delete a statement diagnostics bundle(s).
cancel Cancel an outstanding activation request(s).


List available statement diagnostics bundles and outstanding activation requests:

$ cockroach statement-diag list <flags>

Download a specified diagnostics bundle into a .zip file:

$ cockroach statement-diag download <diagnostics ID> [<bundle filename>] <flags>

Delete a statement diagnostics bundle:

$ cockroach statement-diag delete <diagnostics ID> <flags>

Delete all statement diagnostics bundles:

$ cockroach statement-diag delete --all <flags>

Cancel an outstanding activation request:

$ cockroach statement-diag cancel <diagnostics ID> <flags>

Cancel all outstanding activation requests:

$ cockroach statement-diag cancel --all <flags>



Flag Description
--all Apply to all bundles or activation requests.

Client connection

Flag Description
--url A connection URL to use instead of the other arguments. To convert a connection URL to the syntax that works with your client driver, run cockroach convert-url.

Default: no URL
--host The server host and port number to connect to. This can be the address of any node in the cluster.

Default: localhost:26257

The server port to connect to. Note: The port number can also be specified via --host.

Default: 26257

The SQL user that will own the client session.

Default: root
--insecure Use an insecure connection.

Default: false
--cert-principal-map A comma-separated list of <cert-principal>:<db-principal> mappings. This allows mapping the principal in a cert to a DB principal such as node or root or any SQL user. This is intended for use in situations where the certificate management system places restrictions on the Subject.CommonName or SubjectAlternateName fields in the certificate (e.g., disallowing a CommonName like node or root). If multiple mappings are provided for the same <cert-principal>, the last one specified in the list takes precedence. A principal not specified in the map is passed through as-is via the identity function. A cert is allowed to authenticate a DB principal if the DB principal name is contained in the mapped CommonName or DNS-type SubjectAlternateName fields.
--certs-dir The path to the certificate directory containing the CA and client certificates and client key.

Default: ${HOME}/.cockroach-certs/

See Client Connection Parameters for more details.


By default, this command logs messages to stderr. This includes events with WARNING severity and higher.

If you need to troubleshoot this command's behavior, you can customize its logging behavior.



These examples assume you are running an insecure cluster and have requested and/or generated statement diagnostics bundles using the DB Console or EXPLAIN ANALYZE (DEBUG).

Download a statement diagnostics bundle

List statement diagnostics bundles and/or activation requests:

$ cockroach statement-diag list --insecure
Statement diagnostics bundles:
  ID                  Collection time          Statement
  603820372518502401  2020-11-02 18:29:13 UTC  CREATE DATABASE bank

Outstanding activation requests:
  ID                  Activation time          Statement
  603811900498804737  2020-11-02 17:46:08 UTC  SELECT * FROM bank.accounts

Download a statement diagnostics bundle to

$ cockroach statement-diag download 603820372518502401 --insecure

Delete all statement diagnostics bundles

Delete all statement diagnostics bundles:

$ cockroach statement-diag delete --all --insecure

Cancel an activation request

List statement diagnostics bundles and/or activation requests:

$ cockroach statement-diag list --insecure
Outstanding activation requests:
  ID                  Activation time          Statement
  603811900498804737  2020-11-02 17:46:08 UTC  SELECT * FROM bank.accounts

Delete an activation request

$ cockroach statement-diag cancel 603811900498804737 --insecure

See also

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