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Logical data replication is only supported in CockroachDB self-hosted clusters.

New in v25.1: The CREATE LOGICALLY REPLICATED statement starts logical data replication (LDR) on a table(s) that runs between a source and destination cluster in an active-active setup. CREATE LOGICALLY REPLICATED creates the new table on the destination cluster automatically and conducts a fast, offline initial scan. It accepts unidirectional or bidirectional on as an option to create either one of the setups automatically.

Once the offline initial scan completes, the new table will come online and is ready to serve queries. In a bidirectional setup, the second LDR stream will also initialize after the offline initial scan completes.


If the table to be replicated contains user-defined types or foreign key dependencies, you must use the CREATE LOGICAL REPLICATION STREAM statement instead. You can set up unidirectional or bidirectional LDR manually with CREATE LOGICAL REPLICATION STREAM.

This page is a reference for the CREATE LOGICALLY REPLICATED SQL statement, which includes information on its parameters and options. For a step-by-step guide to set up LDR, refer to the Set Up Logical Data Replication page.

Required privileges

CREATE LOGICALLY REPLICATED requires one of the following privileges:

Use the GRANT SYSTEM statement:



CREATE LOGICALLY REPLICATED TABLE db_object_name TABLES ( logical_replication_resources_list ) FROM TABLE db_object_name TABLES ( logical_replication_resources_list ) ON source_connection_string WITH logical_replication_create_table_options ,


Parameter Description
db_object_name The fully qualified name of the table on the source or destination cluster. Refer to Examples.
logical_replication_resources_list A list of the fully qualified table names on the source or destination cluster to include in the LDR stream. Refer to the LDR with multiple tables example.
source_connection_string The connection string to the source cluster. Use an external connection to store the source cluster's connection URI. To start LDR, run CREATE LOGICALLY REPLICATED from the destination cluster.
logical_replication_create_table_options Options to modify the behavior of the LDR stream. For a list, refer to Options. Note: bidirectional on or unidirectionalis a required option. For use cases of unidirectional and bidirectional LDR, refer to the Logical Data Replication Overview page.


Option Description
bidirectional on / unidirectional (Required) Specifies whether the LDR stream will be unidirectional or bidirectional. With bidirectional on specified, LDR will set up two LDR streams between the clusters. Refer to the examples for unidirectional and bidirectional.
label Tracks LDR metrics at the job level. Add a user-specified string with label. For more details, refer to Metrics labels.
mode Determines how LDR replicates the data to the destination cluster. Possible values: immediate, validated. For more details, refer to LDR modes.

LDR modes

Modes determine how LDR replicates the data to the destination cluster. There are two modes:

  • immediate (default): Attempts to replicate the changed row directly into the destination table, without re-running constraint validations. It does not support writing into tables with foreign key constraints.
  • validated: Attempts to apply the write in a similar way to a user-run query, which would re-run all constraint validations relevant to the destination table(s). If the change violates foreign key dependencies, unique constraints, or other constraints, the row will be put in the dead letter queue (DLQ) instead. Like the SQL layer, validated mode does not recognize deletion tombstones. As a result, an update to the same key from cluster A will successfully apply on cluster B, even if that key was deleted on cluster B before the LDR job streamed the cluster A update to the key.


CREATE LOGICALLY REPLICATED will automatically create the specified source tables on the destination cluster. For unidirectional and bidirectional, run the statement to start LDR on the destination cluster that does not contain the tables.


From the destination cluster of the LDR stream, run:

CREATE LOGICALLY REPLICATED TABLE {database.public.destination_table_name} FROM TABLE {database.public.source_table_name} ON 'external://source' WITH unidirectional, mode=validated;

Include the following:

For details on managing schema changes, conflicts, and jobs when LDR is running, refer to the Manage Logical Data Replication page.


Both clusters will act as a source and destination in bidirectional LDR setups. To start the LDR jobs, you must run this statement from the destination cluster that does not contain the tables:

CREATE LOGICALLY REPLICATED TABLE {database.public.destination_table_name} FROM TABLE {database.public.source_table_name} ON 'external://source' WITH bidirectional ON 'external://destination';

Include the following:

For details on managing schema changes, conflicts, and jobs when LDR is running, refer to the Manage Logical Data Replication page.

Multiple tables

To include multiple tables in an LDR stream, add the fully qualified table names in a list format. Ensure that the table name in the source table list and destination table list are in the same order:

CREATE LOGICALLY REPLICATED TABLES ({database.public.destination_table_name_1}, {database.public.destination_table_name_2}) FROM TABLES ({database.public.source_table_name_1}, {database.public.source_table_name_2}) ON 'external://source' WITH bidirectional ON 'external://destination';

For details on managing schema changes, conflicts, and jobs when LDR is running, refer to the Manage Logical Data Replication page.

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