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A MULTIPOINT is a collection of Points. MultiPoints are useful for gathering a group of Points into one geometry. For example, you may want to gather the points denoting all of the State Capitols in the U.S. into a single geometry.

You can also store a MULTIPOINT with the following additional dimensions:

  • A third dimension coordinate Z (MULTIPOINTZ).
  • A measure coordinate M (MULTIPOINTM).
  • Both a third dimension and a measure coordinate (MULTIPOINTZM).

The Z and M dimensions can be accessed or modified using a number of built-in functions, including:

  • ST_Z
  • ST_M
  • ST_Affine
  • ST_Zmflag
  • ST_MakePoint
  • ST_MakePointM
  • ST_Force3D
  • ST_Force3DZ
  • ST_Force3DM
  • ST_Force4D
  • ST_Snap
  • ST_SnapToGrid
  • ST_RotateZ
  • ST_AddMeasure

Note that CockroachDB's spatial indexing is still based on the 2D coordinate system. This means that:

  • The Z/M dimension is not index accelerated when using spatial predicates.
  • Some spatial functions ignore the Z/M dimension, with transformations discarding the Z/M value.



A MultiPoint can be created from SQL by calling an aggregate function such as ST_Collect or ST_Union on a column that contains Point geometries. In the example below, we will build a MultiPoint from several Points.

  1. Insert the Points:

    CREATE TABLE tmp_points (id INT8 default unique_rowid(), geom GEOMETRY);
    INSERT INTO tmp_points (geom)
    (st_geomfromtext('POINT (-88.243357000000003 40.117404000000001)')),
    (st_geomfromtext('POINT (-94.598371 39.050068000000003)')),
    (st_geomfromtext('POINT (-73.962090000000003 40.609226)'));
  2. Build a MultiPoint from the individual Points using ST_Collect, and check the output with ST_GeometryType to verify that it is indeed a MultiPoint:

    SELECT ST_GeometryType(st_collect(geom)) AS output FROM tmp_points;
    (1 row)
  3. Drop the temporary table:

    DROP TABLE tmp_points;

Well known text

A MultiPoint can be created from SQL by calling the st_geomfromtext function on a MultiPoint definition expressed in the Well Known Text (WKT) format.

For example, the MultiPoint in the example below includes the locations of independent bookstores in Chicago, Illinois USA:

SELECT ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOINT (-87.738258999999999 42.010930999999999, -87.716257999999996 41.981231000000001, -87.708889999999997 41.975000000000001, -87.707705000000004 41.929195999999997, -87.707192000000006 41.926580000000001, -87.704300000000003 41.928013999999997, -87.698012000000006 41.939076, -87.682384999999996 41.943232000000002, -87.681599000000006 41.705936999999999, -87.677763999999996 41.916998, -87.674808999999996 41.9086, -87.668653000000006 41.977356999999998, -87.668611999999996 41.904580000000003, -87.664944000000006 41.921931999999998, -87.655131999999995 41.881686000000002, -87.654752999999999 41.881632000000003, -87.654584 41.944774000000002, -87.653409999999994 41.857928000000001, -87.650779999999997 41.926853000000001, -87.644745999999998 41.941915999999999, -87.644356999999999 41.899109000000003, -87.634562000000003 41.897446000000002, -87.630498000000003 41.899751000000002, -87.629164000000003 41.873215999999999, -87.627983999999998 41.883583999999999, -87.627189999999999 41.890832000000003, -87.624488999999997 41.885147000000003, -87.624283000000005 41.876899000000002, -87.624251999999998 41.874115000000003, -87.622851999999995 41.894931999999997, -87.619151000000002 41.864832999999997, -87.597796000000002 41.789636000000002, -87.596547999999999 41.790515999999997, -87.594948000000002 41.791434000000002, -87.591048999999998 41.808132999999998, -87.590436999999994 41.783611000000001, -87.590277 41.800938000000002)');
(1 row)

See also

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