Telemetry Collected by CockroachDB

On this page Carat arrow pointing down

This page documents the telemetry data that is collected by CockroachDB from clusters with telemetry enabled. For more information, refer to the Licensing FAQs.

Who runs the telemetry server, and how is the data secured?

Telemetry data is transmitted over HTTPS and securely stored on a web server that is hosted on a major cloud provider, and run and controlled by Cockroach Labs.

Once collected, Cockroach Labs conducts its post-processing of the telemetry data using third-party data management tools.

What data is collected?

Category Description Fields Example
Node information Information about the CockroachDB node reporting diagnostics.
  • Node ID
  • Bytes
  • Key Count
  • Range Count
  • Uptime
"node": { "nodeId": 12, "bytes": "2270774884600", "keyCount": "27008719525", "rangeCount": "7015", "uptime": "1418000" }
Store information Information about individual stores on the CockroachDB node.
  • Node ID
  • Store ID
  • Bytes
  • Key Count
  • Range Count
  • Capacity
  • Available
  • Used
  • Encryption Algorithm
"stores": [ { "nodeId": 12, "storeId": 39, "bytes": "560732812950", "keyCount": "6719249260", "rangeCount": "1730", "capacity": "395188764700", "available": "167600533600", "used": "212346898300", "encryptionAlgorithm": "0" } ]
SQL instance information Information about the SQL instance reporting diagnostics.
  • SQL Instance ID
  • Uptime
"sql": { "sqlInstanceId": 12, "uptime": "1418000" }
Altered cluster settings Cluster settings that have been altered from their default values. Note that every value of type 'string' is redacted, such as the cluster organization, as well as sensitive settings, such as OIDC authentication.
  • Setting Name
  • Setting Value
"alteredSettings": { "cluster.organization": "\u003credacted\u003e", "cluster.secret": "\u003credacted\u003e", "kv.rangefeed.enabled": "true", "server.oidc_authentication.client_id": "\u003credacted\u003e", "server.oidc_authentication.client_secret": "\u003credacted\u003e", }
Zone configurations Zone configurations applied to tables or databases.
  • Zone ID
  • Zone Configuration
"zoneConfigs": { "114": { "rangeMinBytes": null, "rangeMaxBytes": null, "gc": null, "globalReads": null, "numReplicas": 0, "numVoters": null, "constraints": [ ], "voterConstraints": [ ], "inheritedConstraints": false, "nullVoterConstraintsIsEmpty": false, "leasePreferences": [ ], "inheritedLeasePreferences": false, "subzones": [ { "indexId": 1, "partitionName": "f3f81b68", "config": { "rangeMinBytes": null, "rangeMaxBytes": null, "gc": null, "globalReads": null, "numReplicas": null, "numVoters": null, "constraints": [ { "numReplicas": 0, "constraints": [ { "type": 1, "key": "2cd13cd0", "value": "d006156b" } ] } ], "voterConstraints": [ ], "inheritedConstraints": false, "nullVoterConstraintsIsEmpty": false, "leasePreferences": [ ], "inheritedLeasePreferences": true, "subzones": [ ], "subzoneSpans": [ ] } } ], "subzoneSpans": [ ] } }
Feature usage List of feature names and counters showing how often the features are used.
  • Feature Name
  • Usage Count
"featureUsage": { "": 10, "sql.plan.builtins.gen_random_uuid() -> uuid": 100000, "sql.plan.ops.cast.float::string": 100000, "sql.query.count": 1000000000, "sql.txn.commit.count": 100000000, "txn.restarts.serializable": 10000, "": 100, "external-io.google_cloud": 10000 }
Locality A locality is an ordered set of key/value pairs that describe the location of this node or SQL instance. This is the locality information that is passed at node start time using the cockroach start --locality command. Note that these values are not redacted. Avoid writing information about your users or customers using the --locality flag.
  • Tiers
"locality": { "tiers": [ { "key": "a5a7e0e9", "value": "ded62d43" } ] }
SQL statistics SQL statement statistics. Note that table names, column names, and constants are redacted. The sensitiveInfo field in the output is also redacted, since it can contain error strings from SQL execution. The app field is also redacted unless it begins with $ or $$ which is used by CockroachDB internally.
  • SQL Query
  • Execution Count
  • Latency
  • Rows Read
  • Rows Written
"sqlStats": [ { "id": "50705942402975393", "key": { "query": "SELECT _, _, _ FROM _ WHERE _ = _", "app": "$ load-job", "distSQL": false, "implicitTxn": false, "vec": false, "fullScan": false, "database": "", "planHash": "9668029379797421399", "querySummary": "", "transactionFingerprintId": "1" }, "stats": { "count": "101", "firstAttemptCount": "101", "maxRetries": "0", "numRows": { "mean": 1, "squaredDiffs": 0 }, "idleLat": { "mean": 0, "squaredDiffs": 0 }, "parseLat": { "mean": 0, "squaredDiffs": 0 }, "planLat": { "mean": 0.00007544429020979025, "squaredDiffs": 6.78152936815595e-8 }, "runLat": { "mean": 0.001702519937062940, "squaredDiffs": 0.0012322771466382400 }, "serviceLat": { "mean": 0.0017827970734265735, "squaredDiffs": 0.0012335011910856030 }, "overheadLat": { "mean": 0.000004832846153846150, "squaredDiffs": 9.59541288048590e-10 }, "sensitiveInfo": { "lastErr": "\u003credacted\u003e", "mostRecentPlanDescription": { "name": "", "attrs": [], "children": [] }, "mostRecentPlanTimestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, "bytesRead": { "mean": 144.55244755244760, "squaredDiffs": 9338.713286713290 }, "rowsRead": { "mean": 1, "squaredDiffs": 0 }, "rowsWritten": { "mean": 0, "squaredDiffs": 0 }, "execStats": { "count": "11", "networkBytes": { "mean": 0, "squaredDiffs": 0 }, "maxMemUsage": { "mean": 20481, "squaredDiffs": 0 }, "contentionTime": { "mean": 0, "squaredDiffs": 0 }, "networkMessages": { "mean": 0, "squaredDiffs": 0 }, "maxDiskUsage": { "mean": 0, "squaredDiffs": 0 }, "cpuSqlNanos": { "mean": 27187.5, "squaredDiffs": 901303466.3 }, "mvccIteratorStats": { "stepCount": { "mean": 2, "squaredDiffs": 0 }, "stepCountInternal": { "mean": 3.8, "squaredDiffs": 2.2000000000000000 }, "seekCount": { "mean": 1, "squaredDiffs": 0 }, "seekCountInternal": { "mean": 1, "squaredDiffs": 0 }, "blockBytes": { "mean": 174085.8, "squaredDiffs": 50560940748.5 }, "blockBytesInCache": { "mean": 174085.8, "squaredDiffs": 50560940748.5 }, "keyBytes": { "mean": 174085.8, "squaredDiffs": 50560940748.5 }, "valueBytes": { "mean": 137.3, "squaredDiffs": 12595.7 }, "pointCount": { "mean": 3.8, "squaredDiffs": 2.2000000000000000 }, "pointsCoveredByRangeTombstones": { "mean": 0, "squaredDiffs": 0 }, "rangeKeyCount": { "mean": 0, "squaredDiffs": 0 }, "rangeKeyContainedPoints": { "mean": 0, "squaredDiffs": 0 }, "rangeKeySkippedPoints": { "mean": 0, "squaredDiffs": 0 } } }, "sqlType": "TypeDML", "lastExecTimestamp": "2024-08-28T17:02:33.615409698Z", "nodes": [ "12" ], "kvNodeIds": [ 7, 10, 11 ], "regions": [ "us-east1" ], "planGists": [ "AgEeAgBiAgAABgY=" ], "indexRecommendations": [], "indexes": [], "latencyInfo": { "min": 0.0007020, "max": 0.03862220, "p50": 0, "p90": 0, "p99": 0 }, "lastErrorCode": "", "failureCount": "0", "usedFollowerRead": false }, "aggregatedTs": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "aggregationInterval": "0s" } ]
Build information Build information for this CockroachDB binary.
  • Go Version
  • Tag
  • Build Time
  • Revision
  • CGO Compiler
  • CGO Target Triple
  • Platform
  • Distribution
  • Build Type
  • Channel
  • Env Channel
  • Dependencies
"build": { "goVersion": "go1.22.5 X:nocoverageredesign", "tag": "v24.2.0-alpha.2-dev-2f0b0399a5c9656bdf8a417d0ab57e4eb1ae0f64", "time": "2024/08/12 06:03:39", "revision": "2f0b0399a5c9656bdf8a417d0ab57e4eb1ae0f64", "cgoCompiler": "gcc 6.5.0", "cgoTargetTriple": "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu", "platform": "linux amd64", "distribution": "CCL", "type": "development", "channel": "official-binary", "envChannel": "unknown", "enabledAssertions": false, "dependencies": null }
CPU information Information about the CPU on the machine hosting CockroachDB.
  • Number of CPUs
  • Sockets
  • Cores
  • CPU Model
  • CPU Speed
  • Features
    • CPU feature flags for first CPU
"cpu": { "numcpu": 16, "sockets": 16, "cores": 1, "model": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.60GHz", "mhz": 2600.032, "features": [ "fpu", "tsc", "pse", "sse4_2", "aes", "avx", "avx2", "rdseed", "smap", "hypervisor" ] }
Memory information Information about the memory on the machine hosting CockroachDB.
  • Total Memory
  • Available Memory
"mem": { "total": "67413340264", "available": "38576678952" }
Hardware information Information about the hardware on the machine hosting CockroachDB.
  • Virtualization Type
  • CPU Info
  • Memory Info
  • Load Average
  • Cloud Provider
  • Cloud Provider Instance Class
"virtualization": "" "loadavg15": 7.10, "provider": "gcp", "instanceClass": "n2-standard-16"
See also: CPU Info and Memory Info
OS information Information about the operating system on the machine hosting CockroachDB.
  • OS Family
  • Platform
  • Version
"os": { "family": "debian", "platform": "ubuntu", "version": "22.04" }
Topology information Information about the topology and/or cloud infrastructure hosting CockroachDB.
  • Cloud Provider
  • Region
"topology": { "provider": "gcp", "region": "us-east1-b" }
Environment Details of the environment where the CockroachDB node or SQL instance is running.
  • Locality
  • Hardware Info
  • OS Info
  • Build Info
  • License Type
  • Topology
"licenseType": "Enterprise"
See also: Locality, Hardware Info, OS Info, Build Info, and Topology Info
License Details about the cluster's license.
  • Environment
  • LicenseExpiry
  • OrganizationID
  • LicenseID
  • Environment is one of:
    • Unspecified
    • Production
    • PreProduction
    • Development
  • The cloud organization ID (a.k.a. OrganizationID) is populated by the self-serve licensing workflow in the CockroachDB Cloud Console (empty for legacy licenses)
  • LicenseID is is populated by the self-serve licensing workflow in the CockroachDB Cloud Console (empty for legacy licenses)
Schema information Details of the schema with table names and column names redacted.
  • Tables
  • Columns
  • Column Families
  • Primary Index
  • Indexes
  • Privileges
  • Mutations
  • Dependencies
  • Foreign Keys
Example of a Table: { "name": "_", "id": 107, "version": "611", "modificationTime": { "wallTime": "1723448301138465907", "logical": 1 }, "parentId": 105, "unexposedParentSchemaId": 106, "columns": [ { "name": "_", "id": 2, "type": { "family": 1, "width": 65, "precision": 1, "arrayDimensions": [], "locale": null, "visibleType": 0, "arrayElemType": null, "tupleContents": [], "tupleLabels": [], "oid": 21, "arrayContents": null, "timePrecisionIsSet": false, "intervalDurationField": null, "geoMetadata": null, "udtMetadata": null }, "nullable": false, "defaultExpr": null, "onUpdateExpr": null, "hidden": false, "inaccessible": false, "generatedAsIdentityType": 0, "generatedAsIdentitySequenceOption": null, "usesSequenceIds": [], "ownsSequenceIds": [], "usesFunctionIds": [], "computeExpr": null, "virtual": false, "pgAttributeNum": 0, "alterColumnTypeInProgress": false, "systemColumnKind": 0 }, { "name": "_", "id": 3, "type": { "family": 7, "width": 11, "precision": 0, "arrayDimensions": [], "locale": null, "visibleType": 7, "arrayElemType": null, "tupleContents": [], "tupleLabels": [], "oid": 1044, "arrayContents": null, "timePrecisionIsSet": false, "intervalDurationField": null, "geoMetadata": null, "udtMetadata": null }, "nullable": false, "defaultExpr": null, "onUpdateExpr": null, "hidden": false, "inaccessible": false, "generatedAsIdentityType": 0, "generatedAsIdentitySequenceOption": null, "usesSequenceIds": [], "ownsSequenceIds": [], "usesFunctionIds": [], "computeExpr": null, "virtual": false, "pgAttributeNum": 0, "alterColumnTypeInProgress": false, "systemColumnKind": 0 }, { "name": "_", "id": 4, "type": { "family": 7, "width": 21, "precision": 0, "arrayDimensions": [], "locale": null, "visibleType": 7, "arrayElemType": null, "tupleContents": [], "tupleLabels": [], "oid": 1044, "arrayContents": null, "timePrecisionIsSet": false, "intervalDurationField": null, "geoMetadata": null, "udtMetadata": null }, "nullable": false, "defaultExpr": null, "onUpdateExpr": null, "hidden": false, "inaccessible": false, "generatedAsIdentityType": 0, "generatedAsIdentitySequenceOption": null, "usesSequenceIds": [], "ownsSequenceIds": [], "usesFunctionIds": [], "computeExpr": null, "virtual": false, "pgAttributeNum": 0, "alterColumnTypeInProgress": false, "systemColumnKind": 0 } ], "nextColumnId": 39, "families": [ { "name": "_", "id": 1, "columnNames": ["_", "_", "_"], "columnIds": [2, 3, 4], "defaultColumnId": 0 } ], "nextFamilyId": 2, "primaryIndex": { "name": "_", "id": 137, "unique": true, "version": 5, "keyColumnNames": ["_"], "keyColumnDirections": [0], "storeColumnNames": ["_", "_"], "invertedColumnKinds": [], "keyColumnIds": [2], "keySuffixColumnIds": [], "storeColumnIds": [3, 4], "compositeColumnIds": [], "foreignKey": { "table": 0, "index": 0, "name": "", "validity": 0, "sharedPrefixLen": 0, "onDelete": 0, "onUpdate": 0, "match": 0 }, "referencedBy": [], "interleave": { "ancestors": [] }, "interleavedBy": [], "partitioning": { "numColumns": 1, "numImplicitColumns": 0, "list": [], "range": [ {"name": "_", "fromInclusive": "AwB=", "toExclusive": "A8B+"}, {"name": "_", "fromInclusive": "A8B+", "toExclusive": "A4C9"}, {"name": "_", "fromInclusive": "A4C9", "toExclusive": "A8D7AQ=="} ] }, "type": 0, "createdExplicitly": true, "encodingType": 1, "sharded": { "isSharded": false, "name": "", "shardBuckets": 0, "columnNames": [] }, "disabled": false, "geoConfig": { "s2Geography": null, "s2Geometry": null }, "predicate": "", "useDeletePreservingEncoding": false, "createdAtNanos": "0", "constraintId": 85, "notVisible": false, "invisibility": 0 }, "indexes": [], "nextIndexId": 141, "privileges": { "users": [ {"userProto": "_", "privileges": "2", "withGrantOption": "2"}, {"userProto": "_", "privileges": "2", "withGrantOption": "2"} ], "ownerProto": "_", "version": 3 }, "mutations": [], "nextMutationId": 2, "formatVersion": 3, "state": 0, "offlineReason": "", "checks": [], "viewQuery": "", "isMaterializedView": false, "refreshViewRequired": false, "dependsOn": [], "dependsOnTypes": [], "dependsOnFunctions": [], "dependedOnBy": [], "mutationJobs": [], "declarativeSchemaChangerState": null, "sequenceOpts": null, "dropTime": "0", "replacementOf": { "id": 0, "time": { "wallTime": "0", "logical": 0 } }, "auditMode": 0, "dropJobId": "0", "createQuery": "", "createAsOfTime": { "wallTime": "1714753049015774735", "logical": 1 }, "outboundFks": [], "inboundFks": [ { "originTableId": 108, "originColumnIds": [3], "referencedColumnIds": [2], "referencedTableId": 107, "name": "_", "validity": 1, "onDelete": 0, "onUpdate": 0, "match": 0, "constraintId": 3 }, { "originTableId": 114, "originColumnIds": [3], "referencedColumnIds": [2], "referencedTableId": 107, "name": "_", "validity": 1, "onDelete": 0, "onUpdate": 0, "match": 0, "constraintId": 3 } ], "uniqueWithoutIndexConstraints": [], "temporary": false, "localityConfig": null, "partitionAllBy": false, "rowLevelTtl": null, "excludeDataFromBackup": false, "nextConstraintId": 87, "autoStatsSettings": null, "forecastStats": null, "histogramSamples": null, "histogramBuckets": null, "importStartWallTime": "0", "schemaLocked": false, "importEpoch": 0, "importType": 0, "external": null }
Client IP Address IP address of the client sending telemetry. N/A N/A

See also

Yes No
On this page

Yes No