Sessions Page

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On a secure cluster, you must be an admin user or a SQL user with the VIEWACTIVITY or VIEWACTIVITYREDACTED system privilege (or the legacy VIEWACTIVITY role option). Other users will see only their own sessions. Refer to DB Console security.

The Sessions page provides information about open SQL sessions in your cluster, using data in the cluster's crdb_internal system catalog. To view it, click SQL Activity, then click Sessions.

Sessions table

Use the Sessions table to see active, idle, and closed sessions. A session is active if it has an open transaction (including implicit transactions, which are individual SQL statements), and idle if it has no open transaction. Active sessions consume hardware resources. A session is closed if it has closed the connection to CockroachDB.

Sessions Page

To filter the sessions, click the Filters field.

Session filter

  • To filter by application, select Application Name and choose one or more applications.

    • Queries from the SQL shell are displayed under the $ cockroach app.
    • If you have not set application_name in a client connection string, it appears as unset.
  • To filter by username or session status, select User Name or Session Status and check one or more checkboxes.

  • To filter by session duration, specify the session time and unit.

Click Columns to select the columns to display in the table.

The following properties are displayed for each session:

Column Description
Session Start Time (UTC) The timestamp at which the session started.
Session Duration The amount of time the session has been open.
Session Active Duration The amount of time transactions were executing while the session was open.
Status The status of the session: Active, Idle, or Closed. A session is Active if it has an open explicit or implicit transaction (individual SQL statement) with a statement that is actively running or waiting to acquire a lock. A session is Idle if it has no open transaction. A session is Closed if it has closed the connection to CockroachDB.
Most Recent Statement If more than one statement is executing, the most recent statement. If the session is Idle, the last statement.
Statement Start Time (UTC) The timestamp at which the statement started.
Transaction Count The number of transactions completed in the session.
Memory Usage Amount of memory currently allocated to the session followed by the maximum amount of memory the session has ever been allocated.
Client IP Address The IP address and port of the client that opened the session.
User Name The user that opened the session.
Application Name The application that ran the session.
Actions Options to cancel the active statement and cancel the session. These require the CANCELQUERY system privilege (or the legacy CANCELQUERY role option.
  • Cancel Statement: Ends the SQL statement. The session running this statement will receive an error.
  • Cancel Session: Ends the session. The client that holds this session will receive a "connection terminated" event.

To view details of a session, click a Session Start Time (UTC) to display session details.

Session Details

If a session is idle, the Transaction and Most Recent Statement panels will display No Active [Transaction | Statement].

Sessions Details Page

The Cancel statement button ends the SQL statement. The session running this statement will receive an error. The Cancel session button ends the session. The client that holds this session will receive a "connection terminated" event.

  • Session Details

    • Session Start Time shows the timestamp at which the session started.
    • Gateway Node shows the node ID and IP address/port of the gateway node handling the client connection.
    • Application Name shows the name of the application connected to the session.
    • Client IP Address shows the IP address/port of the client that opened the session.
    • Memory Usage shows the amount of memory currently allocated to this session, followed by the maximum amount of memory this session has ever allocated.
    • User Name displays the name of the user that started the session.
  • Transaction displays the following information for an open transaction.

    • Transaction Start Time shows the timestamp at which the transaction started.
    • Number of Statements Executed shows the total number of SQL statements executed by the transaction.
    • Number of Retries shows the total number of retries for the transaction.
    • Number of Automatic Retries shows the total number of automatic retries run by CockroachDB for the transaction.
    • Read Only? shows whether the transaction is read-only.
    • AS OF SYSTEM TIME? shows whether the transaction uses AS OF SYSTEM TIME to return historical data.
    • Priority shows the priority for the transaction.
    • Memory Usage shows the amount of memory currently allocated to this transaction, followed by the maximum amount of memory this transaction has ever allocated.
  • Most Recent Statement displays the following information for an active statement.

    • The SQL statement.
    • Execution Start Time is the timestamp at which the statement was run.
    • Distributed Execution? shows whether the statement uses Distributed SQL (DistSQL) optimization.
  • Most Recent Transaction Fingerprints Executed

A list of the most recent transaction fingerprint IDs, represented in hexadecimal, executed by this session. The fingerprint ID is a link to the Transaction Details page for the transaction. When you click the link, in order to fetch and render the transaction details, the global date range is changed to the session's start and end time.

Closed session cache

Details about closed sessions are stored in memory in a closed session cache. This cache is controlled by the following two cluster settings:

  • sql.closed_session_cache.capacity is the maximum number of sessions in the cache and defaults to 1000. Once this limit is reached, older sessions are deleted from the cache so newer sessions can be included.
  • sql.closed_session_cache.time_to_live is the maximum time to live, in seconds, and defaults to 3600. 60 minutes after a session is closed, it is deleted from the cache.

If the Session Details page displays the message Unable to find session for a closed session, the details may no longer be available because they were removed from this cache according to the previously mentioned cluster settings.

See also

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